Voting and Midterms 2022

Vote for Iowa’s Water and Land

Election Day is November 8th.

Make a plan to vote!


Tuesday, August 30 – First Day to File Absentee Ballot Request with County Auditor

Wednesday, October 19 – First Day of Absentee Voting

Monday, October 24 – Voter Pre-registration Deadline; Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot

Saturday, November 5 – Auditors’ Offices Open for Absentee Voting

Monday, November 7 – Absentee Voting In-Person Deadline

Tuesday, November 8 – General Election Day; Absentee Ballots Receipt Deadline

Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. CST. Absentee ballots must be received in your county auditor’s office prior to 8:00 PM CST on Election Day.

Register to Vote

Monday, October 24 is the final day to pre-register to vote for the November 8, 2022 General Election.

Voter registration may be submitted to your county auditor or online if you have an Iowa driver’s license or Iowa non-operator ID.

Registrations submitted or updated online must be completed by 11:59 PM CST on October 24.

Registrations submitted your county auditor must be received by 5:00 PM CST on October 24 or must be postmarked on or before October 24.

At the polls on Election Day
If you are not registered to vote in the county where you live, you may go to your correct polling place and register on Election Day. You must provide acceptable proof of identity and current residence in the precinct. Proof of residence documents may be in an electronic format or on paper. If you do not have sufficient documentation, another registered voter who lives in the same precinct may attest to your identity and residence.

Am I already registered?
You may check the Iowa Secretary of State’s website to see if you are already registered.

How to Vote

Absentee Voting
If you are away on Election Day or wish to vote early, you may vote by absentee ballot. You must request an absentee ballot from your County Auditor. The absentee ballot request form must be received by your county auditor by 5 PM CST on October 24th.

You must then submit your completed ballot by mail or in person at the auditor’s office or at a satellite voting location by 8 PM CST on November 8th. Completed absentee ballots cannot be submitted at your polling place on Election Day. However, you can surrender your absentee ballot at your polling place on Election Day and vote using a regular ballot. 

On Election Day
Vote in person at your polling place on Election Day. You must bring one of the following acceptable forms of ID:

  • Iowa Driver’s License (not expired more than 90 days)
  • Iowa Non-Operator ID (not expired more than 90 days)
  • U.S. Passport (not expired)
  • U.S. Military ID or Veteran ID (not expired)
  • Iowa Voter Identification Card (must be signed)
  • Tribal ID Card/Document (must be signed, with photo, not expired)

An Iowa Voter Identification Card is provided automatically by the county auditor to each voter who does not have either an Iowa driver’s license or non-operator ID. Any voter may request an Iowa Voter ID Card by contacting their county auditor’s office.

A voter without one of the above forms of ID may have the voter’s identity attested to by another registered voter in the precinct or may prove identity and residence using Election Day Registration documents.

Click below to visit Voter Ready Iowa to learn more about voting in Iowa and find more resources.